Paramount – Experienced Support
Support that never stops after the training ends.
Best technology and trained skilled personnel
As a system supplier, we have CIPP and SIPP systems for rehabilitating existing pipes under the most challenging circumstances. By training the installation firms and skilled personnel on site, we are able to point out particular construction site conditions. The work is focused on optimizing processes, quality and occupational safety. SERVICE is a top priority for Paramount.
Hand-in-hand, together to success
Before going to the construction site, theoretical and practical training is given according to the customer’s individual needs. On the construction site our application technicians gradually transfer increasing responsibility to the customer’s installation team. In this way the skilled personnel learn about the installation workflows in detail. The training is followed by further support, in which the Paramount technicians are no longer in charge but take on an advisory role and supervise the installation team.
Get more from a personalized relationship
☛ Understand the client’s needs
☛ Providing ongoing support after the initial training
☛ Deliver solutions to improve, not to impede
☛ Commitment to provide proven solutions
Delivering extraordinary customer care….Paramount